Undefined contact form! HELP!

ok so i made this contact form in flash 8 profesional and i keep getting an undefined message in the status bar
(i uploaded it to my website and the swf mail.php and html are all in the same directory)
i receive the email and the info in the form but undefined still comes up instead of my success message.

what am i doing wrong?
ive been looking word by word to see if i misspelled something or if i am missing anything

is there a way where i can just tell the php form to replace the undefined message with a sucess message
the form works and all so if i can just replace the undefined message with a success message then im good to go

thanks in advance for your help

here is my php file

$firstname = $_REQUEST[“firstname”];
$lastname = $_REQUEST[“lastname”];
$email = $_REQUEST[“email”];
$phone1 = $_REQUEST[“phone”];
$phone2 = $_REQUEST[“phone2”];
$address = $_REQUEST[“address”];
$city = $_REQUEST[“city”];
$zip = $_REQUEST[“zip”];
$brand = $_REQUEST[“brand”];
$model = $_REQUEST[“model”];
$serial = $_REQUEST[“serial”];
$age = $_REQUEST[“age”];
$message = $_REQUEST[“message”];

$to = “myemail@yahoo.com”;
$subject = “Web Service Request”;
$Body = “”;
$Body .= "firstname: ";
$Body .= $firstname;
$Body .= "
$Body .= "lastname: ";
$Body .= $lastname;
$Body .= "
$Body .= "Email: ";
$Body .= $email;
$Body .= "
$Body .= "phone: ";
$Body .= $phone;
$Body .= "
$Body .= "phone2: ";
$Body .= $phone2;
$Body .= "
$Body .= "Address: ";
$Body .= $address;
$Body .= "
$Body .= "City: ";
$Body .= $city;
$Body .= "
$Body .= "brand: ";
$Body .= $brand;
$Body .= "
$Body .= "serial: ";
$Body .= $serial;
$Body .= "
$Body .= "model: ";
$Body .= $model;
$Body .= "
$Body .= "age: ";
$Body .= $age;
$Body .= "
$Body .= "message: “;
$Body .= $message;
$Body .= "
$correct= mail($to, $subject, $Body);
if($correct) {
echo( “&serverResponse = Request has been sent. Thanks!”);
} else {
echo(”&serverResponse = Sorry the email could not be sent. Please try again.”);