Flash Player 10 Beta 2 Released on Adobe Labs

From Justin Everett-Church

Adobe just release a new version of Flash Player 10 beta ( There are a few new things to talk about! In addition to the primary features, and all of the fixes and improvements requested by the community that made up the first beta, we’ve added a few more items that have repeatedly heard from customers about:

* limited fullScreen Keyboard support
* unloadAndStop
* Wmode support for Linux


Get it on labs

[]Rich Media
]Enhanced Sound APIs — new with 7/2/08 build


[]Other Community Requested Enhancements
]Linux WMODE — new with 7/2/08 build
[]Video4Linux v2 Support — new with 7/2/08 build
]unloadAndStop — new with 7/2/08 build
[*]Limited Fullscreen Keyboard Access — new with 7/2/08 build


None of the new features interest me… but I thought that I would post the list from the Adobe site since it lists a little more.

With the “beta 1” 15% of the swf’s doesnt load for me in Firefox. I hope this version fix it.

Downloading! :smiley:

Now thats something! Me likey. :smiley:

[QUOTE=Loyx;2352667]With the “beta 1” 15% of the swf’s doesnt load for me in Firefox. I hope this version fix it.

Downloading! :D[/QUOTE]

I hope you reported that :bad:

That’s the whole purpose of these betas (or most of the purpose) to ensure backwards compatibility

Wow, now this feature is huge:

Awesome! :thumb:

<3 Skinner.

[QUOTE=Anogar;2352683]Wow, now this feature is huge:

Awesome! :thumb:[/QUOTE]

FYI, this is pretty hacked. It was a known issue since the start of 9 but grant’s public uprising helped it get into 10. It probably won’t work 100% but it beats what was there before.

that “bug” made my life hell. good to know they are addressing it… too bad we had to wait for v10… oh well, better late than never huh.

[QUOTE=senocular;2352725]FYI, this is pretty hacked. It was a known issue since the start of 9 but grant’s public uprising helped it get into 10. It probably won’t work 100% but it beats what was there before.[/QUOTE]

You couldn’t give me like… a full day of thinking GC would be easy easy stuff in FP10? :lol::fight: