Flash Player won't install?


I am trying to install the latest version of the flash player and I can’t get it to work!! It seems that the older version is still being used.

The download seems to work ok. The flash movie on the Macromedia site plays and says that version was successfully installed.

When I run trace(getVersion()); in flash dev environment I get: WIN 6,0,21,0 NOT WIN 6,0,79,0 which is what I expected.

Flash was not running when I did the installation. I re-booted my computer afterwards. I even tried installing again but the movie on the Macromedia site played immediately which means that I already have the latest version. (so it says)

Has anyone had a similar experience?

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can install the latest player version and ensure that it is, in fact, installed?



the stand-alone version of the flash player that comes with the Flash IDE is 6,0,21,0, what you updated is your browser’s plug-in :slight_smile:

Im not sure if there’s a way to upgrade the stand-alone player…

Hi ahmed,

I have 2 machines. I just created a .swf file in an HTML document that simply displays getVersion() in a text box.

When I run the app on both machines it does say 6,0,79,0 as you suggested.

The reason that I am trying to do this is that I am using PHPObject and the site says to upgrade the flash player to 6,0,79,0 so that you can utilize PHPObject in the IDE (Ctrl/Enter) instead of having to view your app by publishing it to a web page (like I have been doing)

Since the plugin update didn’t seem to work, I can only assume that I need to update the player in the IDE??

Maybe someone will know how to do that if it’s possible.

Thanks for your help.

I should read a bit more carefully!!

ghostwire.com posts this link to update ALL players including the IDE. I am going there now…



oh yeah, i’ve come across this before but i couldn’t find it later on :slight_smile:

it’s 9.82 MB so I guess that’s promising. I’ll let you know if it works or not.

i just installed it, apparently it did work :beam:

btw, what’s the PHPObject() thing…? :slight_smile:

It allows you to create PHP objects in flash and use them in your program. For instance, i have a PHP security object that I wrote. It writes cookies to a user’s computer and also writes the same key to the server. It can also compare them.

My flash application can create the PHP object (in flash) and use it. For instance, when the program starts I can do something like:

//Read the cookie from the user’s computer and store it in a
//variable called “cookie”

// read the key on the server and store it in a variable called

It’s important to note that all the code is PHP running on the server.

After I get the values, I user them to validate the user and allow the flash file to load. (or not)

This is the PHP version of Flash Remoting.

It’s also nice for returning mysql queries to your app via PHP without having to use loadvars.

that’s cool! I wanted to get into Remoting, but I don’t know any java or .NET… this seems like a nice substitute though, i’ll try it when i have time C:-)