Flash Programmer needed for Web Apps (los angeles)

We’re looking for an advanced programmer to help with a series of online web applications being created for a high profile client (more information upon inquiry). Each application is a dynamic Flash Widget that needs to be configurable from external input (either JSON or XML - if JSON, we’ll provide you with documented assistance).

Things we’re specifically looking for:

  • Senior level experience with ActionScript (4-6years)
  • Familiar with Flash and server communications
  • Familiar with drawing APIs (we can also assist here)
  • Familar with AS tweening (no timeline coders)
  • Familiar with AsDoc (we can also assist here)
  • Attention to detail!
  • Someone who really enjoys developing web applications!

We’ve got three flash apps we need some help with, and they’re great portfolio pieces. The span of the project will probably last around a month (maybe a bit more) - though the meat of the work will probably be upfront in the first two weeks with the remaining time spent on doing spot check code changes and fixing bugs.
We need someone as soon as possible, so please contact me right away at heath@verve8media.com. Please send your rate and code samples.


email: heath@verve8media.com
Site: verve8media.com

As a side note:
I’ve been working with this client for a couple of projects now, and although these Flash Apps are really demanding, they’re also very cool! It’s great to see the applications go live and see people from around the world using it.