Flash Projector Question

Hello All,

this is certainly a newb kind of question, but the studio that I’m working for is currently tasked with creating an Enhanced CD (music and video content) for one of our clients. They’ve given us Flash Projector files and all of the necessary videos, etc. to make the Projector files work. We’ve created an Autorun file for the .exe Projector file. Autorun requires that both the “Autorun.inf” and the “.exe to be opened” be in the root directory folder of the disc being burned.

The issue: Our client gave us the .exe within a folder named “PC”. The hierarchy is as such:

PC (folder)
>>>xml (folder)
source (folder)
>>>gallery (folder)
>>>sound (folder)
>>>video (folder)
>>>xml (folder)

All of the pictures, sound and video that are associated with the Projector file are in a separate folder named “source” (see above).

So. Whenever I try to move the .exe out of the PC folder and place it in the root directory folder and I open it, it opens, but no longer links to the video, pictures or sound files. The hierarchy on the Enhanced CD looks like this when I get this result:

PC (folder)
>>>xml (folder)
source (folder)
>>>gallery (folder)
>>>sound (folder)
>>>video (folder)
>>>xml (folder)

My question is thus: do we need to have our client send us new projector files, with the links working properly so that the .exe can be in the root directory of the Enhanced CD, OR is there some way of making this work given what we have?

I apologize if this came across all convoluted, but I’ve never worked with projector files before.

Thanks in advance!!

Best, Scott