a project for my study. It’s not totally finished yet, but after a lot of blood sweat and tears I’m at the point now that I really would like some user input.
So please have a look, try everything and then let me know what you think of it. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
p.s. at the moment it’s running on a webserver installed on an old pc. hopefully it keeps running while I sleep…
Pretty cool man, i had to close it out because of a loop when i tried to view a feed that i added. other than that greta job the design looks good. Can’t wait to see it when its fully functonable.
Really? That’s strange 'cause I didn’t encounter that problem before. I’ll see if I can find the problem.
One thing I noticed in the database was that www.kirupa.com was added but this is not a valid url for an RSS feed so that might be the problem. It shouldn’t die on it though.
@bombingpixels: when exactly did it die? Also when trying to add a feed?
leaves me to say: “calling all Kirupians to have a look and a testdrive and let me know if you encounter problems, would do things differently etc.”
I read something about customizing the flash menu, its in the flashmx04 documentation… It is awesome I think… not fond of the bevel on the entire layout, but I love the drop down on the left side… No rollovers on the main nav? Call me old fashioned but I expected them haha …nice work…
No further comments about the functionality? 'cause that’s my main concern ATM, not so much the design.
One thing that is made clear though is that I need some validation before a feed is added to check if it’s a valid RSS feed or not.
Any more comments are welcome.
[edit] @mlk: those percentages are what I’ve called the ‘quality’ of a feed. It is calculated with it’s rating, and the number of hits the feed received compared to the total amount of hits of all feeds contained within the reader. [/edit]