Flash Running on a CD

I was wondering if anyone can help me figure out what the getURL should look like if I wanted to launch and html page from the CD on which my Flash is running. Basically I am trying to launch all the hyperlinks locally on the CD Rom without knowing the drive letter. Thanks

you can’t know the drive letter on each person’s computer…

if you want to open files from the CD, just use relative addressing, just as you would on the web.

relative links aren’t working… The broswer just sits there and doesn’t even give a file not found… Example:

  getURL("file://c:/exhibit/web/ccc/11th.html", "_blank");

works fine but
getURL(“file:///exhibit/web/ccc/11th.html”, “_blank”);
or getURL(“file://exhibit/web/ccc/11th.html”, “_blank”);
doesn’t depending where I put the swf file.

neither does getURL(“exhibit/web/ccc/11th.html”, “_blank”);

bump… i’m going nuts here… :hair:

addressing the C:/ drive is absolute.

addressing it as /myFile.html is relative.

If the path is correct, then it will work.

You can’t point the getURL to a file on the end user’s computer. Of course, since you don’t know for a fact that they have that file…

so you have to use relative addressing. I’m sure the path is incorrect, especially since it works with an absolute path.

Thanks for trying Rev but I still can’t beat it. I understand relative and absolute calls I guess my last post was a little unclear. I guess mainly I am wondering if I need to use something besides getUrl since no matter what I try the link won’t work. I ran test with the projector and a single test.html in the same directory and unless I called the absolute with c:\ it wouldn’t work. I know this is something small I think I have been staring at it too long.

nope, getURL is it…

You cannot call anything from C:/, since it is on the end-user’s hard drive, and you don’t know what that contains…

Once more, you can not call anything other than what is on the CD that you are producing, since you can’t guarantee that every end user will have a certain file…

can you post an example of where your are storing the html files, just post the structure of you cd and we can help you figure this out its just a targetting problem your most surely using the wrong path like our dear Rev says, and also post the code that you are using to open the html files that way we can see if its your coding thats wrong or if its a targetting problem.