Geturl action on a CD

Hi everyone

I have got a job interview on Monday so a fast response would be excleent if at all possible. I am required to present something that I have designed. Well I have a portfolio that I am going to create in plain HTML/Dreamweaver with a flash “splash” intro.

Now each of the buttons on the intro will have to have a geturl action attached, but they will be files on a CD-ROM. Of course not everyone has one letter as their CD-ROM.

So if on my geturl action I put:


The this won’t work on some people who have their CD-ROMS set as E, etc. Can anyone advise on other different methods or how to get this one working? Thankyou.

Im not sure but in director you can use something like:

  on mouseUp
gotoNetPage "@/Floorplans/A.pdf"

hey I tried…LOL

Thanks for trying

I wonder if you can use the



Will try now anyways

I think a relative URL without the specifying the drive should work.

you mean like just:

geturl: /index.html


Seeing that it is Monday, I hope this isn’t too late. You can just use code like:
getURL(“index.html”, “_blank”);
As long as everything is in the same folder on the same disk.

Thats great freddy - would I code that myself or select it from the action/operators etc in the actionscript panel?

Whichever you desire. I’ve never used the actions list (so I’m sure there’s a lot I’m missing), but I do know to code yourself you have to click expert mode in the actions panel - which is a long shot for me (expertwise that is).