Flash/Site Critique

Hi Guys,

Just wondering if anyone can lend me their opinions with the launch of our new fla/htm site:


Any and all comments are GOLD!

Thanks all,


dfx -

nice site, simple and clean, but i have a few comments:

  1. the intro should have a skip option, and it’s kinda odd/scary!

  2. the main page looks a little small, and there’s no content on it to attract the user… maybe try to post some news on it or somthing?

other than that, great work!

this should really be in the site check forum… :-\

interesting you chose to use white with the name DarkFX. Not
sure that fits and the main intro is scary. Not very professional
for a design site. Some of the layout is messy to me, unorganized
and hard to follow. I’m not too keen on the menu system either.

Sorry if I sound harsh, just pointing out some things that stuck
out at me. I like the site otherwise. Good luck with it. :slight_smile:

I liked the intro. After viewing countless, repetitive, Flash sites, it’s nice to actually have something jump out at you.

I just wanted to tell you that I thought the page was done very nicely.

I quess you could say the intro was ‘scary’, but I don’t think anyone will be running away from thier computers screaming. Anyway, I liked the intro, because it is a bit different and I think that’s good.

As for the site, I think it looks very clean and professional. I had read the comment that it was difficult to navigate through, so I went through the whole thing and I didn’t find it that hard to navigate. I think someone who is not all that familiar with flash or the internet in general would probably easily be able to navigate the site.

Good job.

on the following page:

When the flash (Tracker flash) appears you can no longer view all the options in your menus just above as its covered by the flash.

Thanks all for the comments.

I have noticed that problem with the flash and the nav menu, but I really can’t find a fix for it, layers/div’s just dont like displaying over flash.

Thanks again guys for the reviews, much appreciated.


nothing is there