Flash site does not load

Hello everybody, i have developped a web site in flash mx 2004 only, everything was fine as long as i did not put the files on a web server, i could clic on the html generated by flash in the output directory and the site would load almost instantly in my IE, now if i put the files (3 files, 2 swf’s movies and the html generated file) on my web server (IIS) on my network and acces it from another machine i have to do a refresh to view the site (this is not so bad), but when i put the 3 files on a “real” web server outside my network , the background of the site is the only thing i see ??? I am lost in the dark…
Thankyou for bringing light to the drowning flash newbie.
Also i am a french guy from Quebec, Montreal, so my english is not perfect but i am working on it !