Flash .swf keeps giving me warning messages

Hello there,

I have a flash movie that I want to play in my site, however whenever I select the link to play it, it comes up with this error:

Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation.
The following local application on your computer or network:
Y:\FILE ADDRESS\SLADesignMovie.swf

is trying to communicate with this INternet-enabled location"
Y:\FILE ADDRESS\worldmap.html

To let this application communicate with the Internet, click Settings.
You m ust restart the application after changing your settings.

I have several .swfs files in my site. Not one of them gives me this error. When I try it locally on another machine, I also get the same message. I need to avoid this so site visitors won’t be discouraged and leave.

The other weird thing is the audio begins playing when this popup comes up. Then when I click ok, it picks up in the video wherever it should be as if it has been playing the whole time.

Are these publish settings I am having issues with?
