Flash Template, Actionscript 2.0, button to link to .png file as a flash page

Background Info.

I bought a template monster template. It had 3 buttons with animations. the whole project uses actionscript 2.0. The buttons are text that when hovered by the mouse have animations. They link to pages within the template. They had scrollers with text over a semi-transparent grey mask, overtop of a picture file. I stripped all the scrollers and masks and text instances and placed .png files in their place. I was told it can streamline the performance. So In photoshop I created a page with text and pictures. Saved it as .png with titles “Hosting A Party.png” or “You’ve Been Invited.png”. Went in and swapped the pictures in the other contents place.


Two of the links point now to the same .png instance. (“You’ve been Invited.png”) When I try to change one of the buttons link picture it changes them both. I am aware they are duplicates… But I can’t figure out how to fix this. I tried creating a new button, re-directing the button’s action script to the .png file but nothing works… I realize I might have screwed a bunch of things up by putting the pages in a picture files but since it’s done there must be a way to fix the problem as it stands. As well each of these pages is meant to be the backdrop to 4 different PayPal generated html buttons. I don’t know how to do this either… :frowning:

Could anybody help me??:-/