I am not good with Flash at all. I purchased a template online and I need to make some changes to the links. Actually the template didn’t come with any scripting for the premade ‘buttons’. So i need to link these buttons to frames in the movie.
I little background for you…
I am a graphic designer/photographic retoucher. I have made quite a few html websites and have used swish to create flash headers and navigation. This is my first attempt at a true Flash website. I am using Flash 8 Pro and i purchased a Flash MX template from the internet. I have a grasp of the whole timeline and keyframing from using Premiere for a number of years but I am having a hard time understanding the scripting in flash.
The template I bought i setup with a large “photo” in the middle of the page. There are 4 main sections, home, contact, portfolio, and about. Each section changes the footer while the header and “photo” stay on each page. The photo has a previous and a next button. This will basically change the photo to the next photo in a long list of photos. But when you get to the portfolio page you can click on a certain small version of a photo in the footer and the large version will pop up in the photo space.
I would like to like information “photos” i have for say my about page. So that if you click on a small picture of me a summary of me and info on me pops up in the photo area above. I have looked at the script linking the small photos to the larger ones in the portfolio page but when i try and copy them it never works.
Also, the premade buttons on the homepage have a little pulsing graphic that when you hold the mouse over them it loops. When i try and link that button to a url the pulsing only goes once then it stops.
If you would like to view my source files and help me with my issues i would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.
Mark Henrie