Flash Transition Question

hey guys, so i have an idea but i so far have come up with no ideas on how to accomplish this.

Heres the Idea, i have a set of buttons and when you click those buttons i want it to go to a different page, but the transition of the page i want it to fade the current page out, and fade the new page in. how is this usually accomplished? any help is appreciated.

Also here is a photoshop storyboard of what i was thinking, i have no idea how i would accomplish the stroke expanding covering the whole page but i figured it may be connected ot the fade out in some way, thanks again.

OMG too wide!!!

its do-able, however I don’t see how the nativation would work if you write over it as it were when you click on one of the buttons

when you click on say home, the stroke around home covers the whole page, then proceeds to recede back, revealing the new page, acting as a transition. sorry if theres in confusion with my jibba jabba as mr t wouldl say.

hum you could type “home” then render the text as graphics

cause the “home” graphic to buldge out with an additional MC fill to finish the job.

that way it would appear more stylised.

This should be a good start for you:


I was gonna suggest some sort of mask effect, but judging by the tutorial above, it requires a bit of complex Actionscript.

I myself am trying to create a Transitional effect exactly the same as on the sliding panels on this site: www.move-in.com.au. Ie: Another menu option is pressed, existing panel slides out, and new panel slides in.

Can anyone tell me if this effect can be achieved using the same method as the tutorial above or some other way? Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thanks :slight_smile:

DC that aint hard, they have a tween function which controls the movment, when you press a different section

it tweens backwards, next page loads in.

any complexity maybe it uses xml so when it reappears it has different content