Hey everybody, I am working with flash uploads in Flash 8 right now, and have noticed that the file is sent with the mime type of application / octet-stream, which my research tells me is binary data.
Anyways, I am having trouble finding the actual Filetype / MIME type of the file once it gets to the server, i’m assuming because flash isn’t sending the file in the way typical html forms do when they submit.
I figured out some sort of solution in coldfusion for this, where I check the file after it has been fully uploaded and then decide what to do with it, but right now my project is using ASP, which i have not used in at least 5 years. Anyways, if anybody knows ANYTHING about how to figure out the filetype of a flash upload easily, please help, we’ve been stuck on this for a few days and the higher-ups want some answers.
Thanks so much everyone,