i am designing my home page, now i face a problem. what im tring to do is i have an ad banner(size is width 30 and height=30), when user click on this small ad, then that is a big ads displayed in the centra of screen, but not popup window, how to do that?
if i use layer for this, then behind the flash animation i cant click any buttons, hyperlinks or others elemnt, bcos block by the layers of flas even i set the flash movie to transparent…
Flash movies are separate objects to HTML. I’ve tried laying HTML over Flash and it doesn’t work… but I’m not !00% sure about the other way around. Unfortunately I suspect what you are trying to do won’t work. The browser views the html content, the flash player shows the flash content. They are separate, even though they appear on the same page. There is very limited interaction between the 2 and I’d say that if you are trying to make a page that dynamically displays flash content over HTML (and still be able to interact with the HTML)… well… you might be wasting your time.:hangover:
why don’t you just link your banner to a page with a big ad on it and have a back button on the page? lol that would be the easiest and most hassle-free thing i can think of…
emmm, i think u all doesn’t see that example that i saw at www.yahoo.com (and that is a ad from microsoft reagarding the TabletPC) and 1 more example (ad for HP), when i go to Yahoo! web site there is a bird fly from left to right, so excited!!may be u may say that is popup screen, but i dun think so, bcos the background of the ads is HTML, i still can click any think, if popup, then i dun think so u can click anything when the flash file is running infront of the Yahoo! HTML web site.
ok u can go to http://shopping.yahoo.com/ on the top right corner , there is a RadioShack ads, click Reply Ad and see the effect!!!
Wow… I stand corrected. I think you are even still able to interact with the HTML behind the flash object. I couldn’t find what versions of flash support this, but I think it is 5 and 6?
Well… I gotta say that I don’t know the answer for that question… I skimmed through what I was able to find, but there wasn’t specific information regarding Flash version… I think it more goes with the HTML tag we use to get that transparency happening though… You see that there are several versions of web browsers that supports windowless mode??? That’s what it is, I think…