Flash xml parser

HI there!
someone, please let me know how to use a parsed xml document in a flash file.
I’m a novice and would like to know how to start from the scracth.

I know basic flash and leart it through this website.

Many thanks

well there are whole books written on XML and Flash, so I dont think much can be said specifically with your broad post in a thread like this ;).

Some places to start are
and of course

… and certainly searching for forum topics on xml, like in the serverside forum…

Hey senocular, thanks for those links. I have been thinking about getting into server-side Flash like with PHP and XML and such, not sure if I will expand there yet, but I will eventually and these links will help :wink:

Hi senocular!
Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.
Will surely use the info sent by you.
Thanks again!


www.flash-db.com has a few examples for download on how to use combos with xml etc…

(free, but you can just as well use dreamweaver…)