Hi! I’ve have an XML file and from that in Flash (Actionscript 2.0) I pulled from a node an attribute that returns the name of the MovieClip I want to call. So this returns a string say “chicken_mc”. There is already an existing chicken_mc placed on the root. I want to call that, so how do I use that string I pulled from the XML to call or turn into a movie clip?
Right now I have:
var cTemp:MovieClip = pTemp.attributes.movieclip;
That’s not working because a MovieClip can not = a String. Is there some function I can use to change the String. I tried cTemp._name = that too, but _name is read-only.
I need the movie clip to be called this way because there are a number of different movie clips on the root that the XML might call. Also, there will be a number of iterations as well.
I am really stuck on this! Please help if you can! Or suggest alternate solutions.