[FONT=Arial]Hi guys,
I’m trying to put together an XML based Flash map. On the right side, is a dynamically loaded XML menu. Now, my problem is that the rollover and rollout effects for the menu doesn’t work.
Basically, I have a movie clip that contains a dynamic textfield and another movieclip (the latter contains a button - I wanted it so that when the user rolls over this button, it plays, and when the user rolls out, it plays an exit “fade”)
This is the actionscript below:
function countyMenu(menuXML) {
var itemCount = menuXML.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.childNodes;
for (var i=0; i<=itemCount.length; i++) {
if (itemCount*.attributes.type == "county") {
var countyName = itemCount*.firstChild;
var linkName = itemCount*.firstChild.nextSibling;
var menuContainer = mcContainer.attachMovie("menuButton","menuItem"+menuCounter,menuCounter);
menuContainer._y = menuCounter * menuSpacing;
menuContainer.trackAsMenu = true;
menuContainer.countyText.text = countyName.firstChild.nodeValue;
menuContainer.linkText = linkName.firstChild.nodeValue;
menuContainer.onRelease = function() {
// var menuItem = this._name;
// trace(typeof menuItem);
// mcContainer.menuItem.bCountyBG.gotoAndPlay(2);
emptyTextContainer = this.linkText;
bGoToCounty.onRelease = function() {
As you can see, everything works quite well, except for the fact that I can’t reach the individual “path” of each of my dynamically loaded buttons.
I’ve tried using “var menuItem=this._name” to retrieve the “path” of my buttons when you rollOver them (which should be something like “mcContainer.menuItem.bCountyBG.gotoAndPlay(2);”), although I need the menuItem to change to whatever this._name is.
It doesn’t work because menuItem’s returned value is considered a string, so I can’t use it in my command—> “mcContainer.menuItem.bCountyBG.gotoAndPlay(2);”
I was wondering if anyone can tell me if it’s possible to convert this string to a movieclip by some sort of function or other means?
Thanks in advance. Please take it easy on me, I’m really fairly new to this.