Flash, XML, The British Pound Sign

Hi All,

I’m not really any good at Flash, more a PHP and HTML man. However, to launch my venture into photography I thought I’d buy a flash website template which allowed you to edit it via a XML file (dynamicfactory.com).

This works great but I’ve discovered a couple of bugs in it and have no idea how to fix them. Technical support from the guys who sold me the site is pretty poor and of course they haven’t bothered to comment anything, so I’m looking for some help

(waits for small barrage of potential insults to fade away for not learning flash properly)

Basically, I want to display a pound sign in the text.

So I goto the config.xml file and enter the £ sign and 40 next to it. Doesn’t work, nothing displayed on screen except for 40.

Then I try entering the html code & pound ; (without spaces) and that doesn’t work I get & pound ; 40 on screen (minus spaces).

So I try & # 163 ; (again no spaces) and I get just 40 appear on screen.

I’ve been through the website and the only suggestion I can find is change the char set to iso instead of utf but to no avail. The response I got back from their support was

Hello Phil,

To insert special characters in flash :

You need to open the FLA file.
Open the properties window.
Click ONCE on the text you want to change.
Click “characters” on property window.
Then choose “allow all characters option” & place all the needed characters (like éàù…) in the “Incluse these characters” field.
Then it will be working fine )

which confused me as the text I am editing is in the config.xml file ready to be loaded and parsed by flash. So I assume that somewhere in flash there must be an object or container which allows character sets or something which I need to edit?

I know its a long shot but can anyone help me. I have flash cs3 and have gone through the various movie objects but can’t see a definition of a charset anywhere? I just need to try and make sense of what I need to do.

I can post config or files if required.
