I’m not totaly new to this board and I’m not totaly new to Flash MX, but I never made a whole page in Flash. Until now I made all my pages in PS.
The Problem I have is, that I don’t really get the ‘Whole Flash Tut’ from kirupa… sry ;p
So I wanted to ask you guys, whether you have a really old and really ugly site for me, so that i can see how the scripting stuff works…
what problems are you having with the tutorial?
Here’s a tutorial on how to build a full flash site that’s a bit easier than the one on Kirupa.
The problem is that it’s for flash 5, but since you’re not new to flash then it shouldn’t be too hard for you to go through with it in MX. I hope it helps. =)
hey man, if you’re into html, just think iframes!
use a blank MC as an iframe in your movie
and use the loadmovie command to call in other swf’s into that MC (like iframes :))
Thanks for the good tip. It was a kind of hard to get that stuff working in Flash but i made it. I think i now got the main concept of Creating a Flash Site.
Man, but those tut’s are so bad. You really have to remind me to write one when I got it…
There are alot of good quality tuts on here… But I’m not too sure about some of the older ones
:player: MARZ :player:
I know, the other tuts here are really good so far ;p
But the tut for creating a full flash page are really complex…
Well Creating a full flash page is sort-a… complex anyways…
At least I think so… :beam:
(-: playamarz
maybe i should just make a flash menu with some weird animation stuff…
shrugs… I have been teaching a guy how to do simple menus and stuff and I’ll be frank… It’s not incredibly easy
playamarz :player:
But easier than creating a whole page with several swf files/…
True… And it loads up faster
jeah, i need to learn how to make a loader
lmao… Preloaders can be a pain in the *** at times…
Especcially if you’ve created your entire site at first…
I’d suggest spanking the monkey…
I mean… I’d suggest flogging the flagpole…
Errm… In all matters I’d say you’d have to just look around the tutorials they have here… Some cool ones can be found here… Or search the forums… People talk about preloaders like they are going to be nuked
playaMARZ :player:
oki, so you would recomend, that i should learn how to preload and then to make the flash stuff ?
Actually… Learn how to do the flash stuff so you have something to load up.
Playamarz :player:
hoe ?!? ok ;p
If you just want to learn to make a Flash site, start off by making different scenes and going between them. Dont do loading swfs right away.
And for preloaders- just find a really simple one and use that. Look here:
totalb = _root.getBytesTotal();
loadedb = _root.getBytesLoaded();
if (loadedb == totalb) {
This is what I use on my sites. Easy!
lol, exactly the same way as I do it morse
Great minds think alike!