[Flash8 as2] parallax question

My first post, so hi. Hopefully this question will help others.

Is it possible to have a parallax within a parallax? I am trying to make buttons on a parallax background(using mouse x and y) pan to a location and stop; in that location the parallax background is still moving with the mouse.

An example would be a forest that turns into a lake. The viewer can move freely in the forest section, but once a button is clicked, it pans(parallax as well) right and, once the pan is done, the viewer can move freely in the lake section. Both the forest and lake section have parallax functions.

would the lake and forest be separate parallaxed backgrounds, or should i try to think of it as a whole with some sort of dynamic camera?

this is the parallax code i am using:

moveIt = function (wc) {
    wc.imageStartX = 0;
    wc.imageEndX = -wc._width + Stage.width;
    wc.StartMouseX = 0;
    wc.EndMouseX = Stage.width;
    wc.MouseRangeX = wc.EndMouseX - wc.StartMouseX;
    wc.PanRangeX = wc.imageEndX - wc.imageStartX;
    wc.imageStartY = 0;
    wc.imageEndY = -wc._height + Stage.height;
    wc.StartMouseY = 0;
    wc.EndMouseY = Stage.height;
    wc.MouseRangeY = wc.EndMouseY - wc.StartMouseY;
    wc.PanRangeY = wc.imageEndY - wc.imageStartY;
    wc.onEnterFrame = function() {
        if (!paused) {
            wc.rX = (_root._xmouse - wc.StartMouseX) / wc.MouseRangeX;
            wc.rX = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, wc.rX));
            wc._x += ((wc.rX * wc.PanRangeX + wc.imageStartX) - wc._x) / 9;
            wc.rY = (_root._ymouse - wc.StartMouseY) / wc.MouseRangeY;
            wc.rY = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, wc.rY));
            wc._y += ((wc.rY * wc.PanRangeY + wc.imageStartY) - wc._y) / 9;


i have searched and have tried panning tutorials, but my results areā€¦static.
any help or direction is appreciated. thank you in advance.