[AS2] RollOverProblem

Hello All,

I have an interactive walk through I’m working on. When you move your mouse around it moves and eases the x and y cords of a few layered pictures to create a parallaxed effect. The Walk through exists in a small portion of the site (which is all flash). I have made a buttonMc called StageSize2(and it is the stage size of the walkthrough). It does this

//*note my parallax functions are housed inside a of an onEnterFrame function inside a bigger //function called gogoParallax

_root.Container.StageSize2.onRollOver = function()

_root.Container.StageSize2.onRollOut= function()
POSWalkthroughBG(_root.DOF.BG._x, 600);    
    _root.DOF.Carpet.POSWalkthroughCarpet(_root.DOF.Carpet._x, 550);
    _root.DOF.FurnLayer2.POSWalkthroughFurnLayer2(_root.DOF.FurnLayer2._x, 620);
    _root.DOF.plants.POSWalkthroughplants(_root. DOF.plants._x, 420);
    POSWalkthroughBGY(_root.DOF.BG._y, 300);
    _root.DOF.Carpet.POSWalkthroughCarpetY(_root. DOF.Carpet._y, 248);
    _root.DOF.FurnLayer2.POSWalkthroughFurnLayer2Y(_root.DOF.FurnLayer2._y, 270);
    _root.DOF.plants.POSWalkthroughplantsY(_root. DOF.plants._y, 300);
    delete _root.DOF.BG.onEnterFrame;
    delete _root.DOF.Carpet.onEnterFrame;
    delete _root.DOF.FurnLayer2.onEnterFrame;
    delete _root.DOF.plants.onEnterFrame

the POSWalkthrough’s functions are all just like this.

function POSWalkthroughBGY(startAt:Number, endAt:Number):Void 
    var tw1:Tween = new Tween(_root.DOF.BG, "_y", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, startAt, endAt, 1, true);

function POSWalkthroughBG(startAt:Number, endAt:Number):Void 
    var tw1:Tween = new Tween(_root.DOF.BG, "_x", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, startAt, endAt, 1, true);

The problem I am having is I need a few things clickable which will make it a roll off state making the imgs tween them self back to the defined x and y cords. I wanted to use enabled = false but what would be the simplist way to make enabled = true again? so When I roll over the clickable objects the tween does not happen. Or is there another suggestion.

Thanks in advance,
