[Flash8] Help with image selection/fade

Hi, I’m using Flash 8 and I’m a newbie to actionscript.

I have to create a flash document that will allow me to swap out colors, patterns, and hardware on our collars. I found a thread posted that was pretty much what I was looking for. I altered the files to use my images, so I have 3 images that are changing. I also have a rollover effect on the color swatches. Here is a link to the files.

What I want to happen is this:
When you roll over a color swatch: the black outline around the color swatch fades in
When you click and release: the collar image changes and the black outline around the color swatch stays on until you click another color swatch
When you rollout: the outline fade out unless the swatch was clicked.

Here is what I’m [modeling after](http://www.llbean.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ShowMainCustomization?storeId=1&catalogId=1&langId =-1&categoryId=40297&sc1=Search&feat=sr).

Please look at my files to see what is happening now.

I could really use some help. If you don’t have time to check out the files, I also attached the code to review if that is faster. If there is an easier way to do this please let me know what that is as well.


//import the required classesimport mx.transitions.Tween;import mx.transitions.easing.*;fscommand("allowscale", "false");//substrate colors// create a loop to cycle thru all the buttons and backgroundsfor (var i:Number = 1; i<8; i++){	//create a reference to the background movieclips	var background:MovieClip = this["bk" + i];	//create a reference to the background movieclips	var background:MovieClip = this["rs" + i];	//set the backgrounds depth	background.swapDepths(i);	//set the backgrounds alpha	background._alpha = 0;			//create a reference to the button movieclips	var button:MovieClip = this["btn" + i];	//associate the relevent background to the button	button.bk = this["bk" + i];	button.rs = this["rs" + i];		//create buttons functions	button.onRelease = function(){		fadeMovieClip(this.bk, "release");		fadeMovieClipRS(this.rs, "release");	}	//create buttons functions	button.onRollOver = function(){		fadeMovieClipRS(this.rs, "over");	}	button.onRollOut = function(){		fadeMovieClipRS(this.rs, "out");	}}//create a function to fade the movieclipfunction fadeMovieClip(bk:MovieClip, control:String) {	if (control == "release"){		// on release do this		bk.swapDepths(7);		var myTween:Tween = new Tween(bk, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.None.easeNone, 0, 100, .5, true);		myTween.onMotionFinished = function(){			currentBackground._alpha = 0;			currentBackground = bk8;//number has to be a  bigger than what I have			delete myTween;		}	}}//test//create a function to fade the movieclipfunction fadeMovieClipRS(rs:MovieClip, control:String) {	if (control == "over"){		// on release do this		rs.swapDepths(7);		var myTween:Tween = new Tween(rs, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.None.easeNone, 0, 100, .5, true);		myTween.onMotionFinished = function(){			currentBackground._alpha = 0;			currentBackground = rs9;//number has to be a  bigger than what I have			delete myTween;		}	} else if(control == "out") {		// on rollout do this		// loop thru the buttons and check if the mouse is still over one		for (var i:Number = 1; i<8; i++){			var button:MovieClip = this["btn" + i];			if (button.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)){				return;			}// if the mouse is not over any of the buttons fade out		var myTween:Tween = new Tween(rs, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.None.easeNone, 100, 0, .5, true);		currentBackground = null;		} 	} else if (control == "release"){		// on release do this		rs.swapDepths(7);		var myTween:Tween = new Tween(rs, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.None.easeNone, 0, 100, .5, true);		myTween.onMotionFinished = function(){			currentBackground._alpha = 0;			currentBackground = rs9;//number has to be a  bigger than what I have			delete myTween;		}	}			}