hello everyone! (as this is my very first post on this forum)
I’m really newbie on this flash/actionScript business and I could really use some help with this here problem I came up with. maybe the answer is really simple and I’m messing the whole thing up, but I can’t seem to figure it out.
in one fla file I have a holder movieClip with instructions to load swf’s and display them. when it first starts it displays a swf I specify. in order to display another swf I have to press a button with instructions to go get it (load it). this is working fine.
the problem is, I’m not being able to make the swf’s load one after another as a constant looping animation of itself.
I hope I’m being clear. what I need is for the holder movieClip I got to load the first swf, then load the second when the first comes to its end, then the third when the second comes to its end and so on, and then go back to the start again when all the clips have been on.
it all works fine with one frame on the main Timeline with one layer for the holder movieClip, another for the buttons and another for this piece of code:
[FONT=Courier New]holder_mc.loadMovie(“file:///whatever/firstAnimation.swf”)
button01_btn.onRelease = function () {
button02_btn.onRelease = function () {
button03_btn.onRelease = function () {
button04_btn.onRelease = function () {
I could really use some help, please!