Does anyone have a tutorial (or steps to reproduce) showing a beginner the best method for loading several swfs end to end, so they play as one movie using ActionScript?
What I need is: to have the first movie play and immediately when it ends, for it to stop and then have the second movie play, but each movie has a different mp3 sound and I can’t seem to get both movie’s and their respective mp3s to play as one long movie.
I’ve created 2 fairly robust Flas; horizon1.fla and horizon2.fla
I’ve made each fla into a seperate movie clip;
horizon1_mc and horizon2_mc.
(the last frame in horizon1_mc uses the same pic as the first frame in horizon2_mc -so that they will appear to play seamlessly as one long movie)
horizon1_mc needs to play using sun.mp3.
horizon2_mc then needs to play using sunburst.mp3
fyi: I’ve got the “FlashaMX Designer’s ActionScript Reference” book but all I’ve found is how to load content (chap11) using static movie clips using “loadmovie” and I’m not sure how this applies to actual animated clips. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!!
I know its a very basic question…but can’t someone attempt an answer to my question?
Just FYI: I’m not looking to see all the mc’s running over one another at once…I’m looking to load the first while hearing it’s sound…then load the second while hearing it’s sound…using Action Script, as opposed to manually placing each mp3 sound on each movie’s timeline.
This seems so basic that I can’t believe I don’t see the same question anywhere else on this site (at least as far as I’ve looked).
If this isn’t the correct forum, please advise which one would be.
It wouldn’t really be worth it… You might as well just make a preloader at the very beginning to allow the person to download the entire thing…
Or… Have a preloader to load up the first movei and first music file… When those two are done… They both play simultaneously…
Then… while these two are playing… have in the background the other two being loaded up… When those two are fully loaded… have them wait until the first movie reaches the end… And it will have a gotoAndPlay to the 2nd movie.
Thanks for replying Marz! That was actually what I’d already done; I added the AS below to the main movie on frame 2, following my preloader on Frame 1-
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(“mySound_mc”, 10);
mySound = new Sound(mySound_mc);
mySound.loadSound(“eventhorizon1_mc.mp3”, true);
Then via “edit in place” on the original horizon1 movie, I just added the entire timeline of horizon2 onto the end of of horizon1 and added another AS to start at the beginning frame of horizon2, with a stop action at the end of that timeline and ended up with one large file at 943kb. (I suppose I’ll just have to warn folks on my site that they need broadband to see the movie.)
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(“mySound_mc”, 10);
mySound = new Sound(mySound_mc);
mySound.loadSound(“eventhorizon2_mc.mp3”, true);
The final swf plays great; I guess I just thought I was missing something very basic by not creating a horizon1.swf and a horizon2.swf and using AS to attach sounds to each with a preloader in front.
Btw; I just have to aks- what does “you’ve been slapped by a Trout” mean; lol?