I have the need to port a project over to Flex 3. So far I’m liking it, but I do have some questions for you few Flex people.
What component is used in place of a Flash’s Scrollpane component? I thought Canvas looked close, but I can’t seem to figure out how to control the scroll bars and whatnot.
What do I need to do to display custom (more than just a message and some buttons) Alert-style pop-up dialogs? Should I be using TitleWindow or something?
What is the best way for Actionscript classes to access components defined in MXML files. Like if I extend the Application class using an Actionscript file but define the UI in an MXML file, how can the Actionscript file get to the components defined in the MXML file?
Thanks for any and all help guys. I’m sure I’ll have more questions fairly soon. There doesn’t seem to be a huge resource of Flex info on the internet.