Im currently working in Flex and AS3, wondering if anyone can give me a hand with part of the code that Ive spent days playing with but cant get going.
I essentialy have a main application file main.mxml and I want to load canvas components in and out of view depending on what the user clicks but I need to do this all dynamicaly, Im good with AS2 and AS3 but its just this one thing that I am stuck on.
I have created more files such as homepage.mxml and profile.mxml and these contain a canvas element and then AS within this. I want to be able to load these in and out using a class and actionscript rather then states and mx tags etc.
I got it all going adding a child and creating an instance of the page so it displays but then I ran into troubl referencing it again and using removechild, I kept getting errors about it being null so I assumed i had messed up the referencing somewhere.
I know the question isnt specific with code etc but could someone perhaps suggest a method of doing this even if it is theory?
I just need to wrap my head around the way of doing this and Im sure I could write the actual code and classes myself. If anymore info is needed just let me know.