Flipping an Image...HELP!

ok, I’m almost embarassed to ask this, but…I’m having problems trying to “flip” an image.
I simply want an image, say a playing card, to flip end over end…and zoom into view. I’ve created a motion tween, with my image…and used free transform to “flip” it over and then back again…but it flips once halfway, then back again instead of continuing.

I just want it to keep flipping end over end…make sense?

What am I missing here?

Any help would be greatly appreaciated!


Can you post the fla so I can have a look at it? :slight_smile:

You can try to add more steps to your tween to be sure that it goes the way you want it to go :slight_smile:


Thanks for the reply…I’ve attached a very simple .fla file that shows what I mean, instead of the square continuing to flip…it goes back the other way?




sorry, didn’t have my movie clip on the main stage.

here’s the updated file!

I’m just curious Sentry43: did you succeed? Because I’m having the same problem and I would like to know how to do it. Could you share your secret with me (and perhaps many, many more…)? :slight_smile:

i’m on it :wink:

Here is the file…very small, just an example of what I’m trying to accomplish.

thanks for the help

hmm…can you post you file again becouse it says unexpected file format and i can’t open it:(

Well since i dunno how your fla looks i will just give you a hint on how i do the fliping:). I use the _rotation function from AS

something like this:

[AS] onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

this._rotation = this._rotation +1;
if (this._rotation = 359)
this._rotation = 0;
This is the most empiric effect;)

I get the same thing. unexpected file format. :frowning:


hmmm, don’t know why you cant get the file…

At any rate, what you sent me is not what I’m looking for…I don’t want to “rotate” the object…I want it to flip…end over end…

I’ve renamed the file, and will try and attach it again…

by the way, greetings…from the USA

Fook it!I dunno why the hell i can’t open it.What version of Flash are you using? I can open it as a library even to import it but i can’t open it as a fla movie.It’s getting really anoying.Post me a link to something similar to see what you are talkin’ about ( i suck when it comes to english) and i’ll make you the script :wink:
Greetings from Transilvania :slight_smile:


ok…this is crazy…

go here…


Hello Oddin (& Sentry ofcourse)

I think I know what Sentry means.
Take a look at this .fla-file.
It’s turning back and forth where it should turn over and over again (like rollin’ over I mean).

D’You see what I mean?

is this what you mean? first you see the back of the card, then you see the face… all in actionscript…

*Originally posted by oddin *
**hmm…can you post you file again becouse it says unexpected file format and i can’t open it:(

I get the same thing. unexpected file format. :frowning: **

(same here btw!)


yes, that’s what I mean…(and you too HausMaus)

I thought I could accomplish this with motion tween, and "free transforming the image)

sorry about the file download problems…have no idea what’s up with that…I’m using flash MX.

anyway, I want it to do just what zylum’s example shows…except…to keep rotating…


exactly - flipping over and over again!

(and yes Zylum - you’re close!!!) :wink:

ok, to keep it rotating, just replace the original script with this:
[AS]flipSpd = 5;
card.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._yscale -= flipSpd;
if ((this._yscale == 0) && (flipSpd>0)) {
this.attachMovie(“faceID”, “face”, 1);
} else if ((this._yscale == 0) && (flipSpd<0)) {
this.attachMovie(“backID”, “back”, 1);
if ((this._yscale == -100) || (this._yscale == 100)) {
flipSpd = -flipSpd;

Man, who would have thought, that something as simple as this, would cause so much interest?..:wink:

ok…Zylum…pasted your code…but now…I’m back to where I started :*(

it flips…but then flips back the other way…

I’m looking for a way to flip an object…like a card…or logo…over and over again…for future use.

Also, question about your code…I noticed that each instance of your images is a movie clip…no images…is that nessecary?



now i get it:)