Flipping an Image...HELP!

I’m watchin your moves with interest, Sentry
(as quoting and echoing you over & over again would only take unnecessary space)…

thanks for your patience, guys :hangover:

well yes…And if you wanna loop it over and over again you just have to make the same frame to be exactly like the last one and don’t use stop(); just let it loop:)

hmmm… the reason it looks like it’s going back and forth is because it switches direction so abruptly. hmm… how to overcome this?

ok, i got it…
[AS]spd = 0.05;
logo.onEnterFrame = function() {
newYscale = Math.sin(scale)*100;
this._yscale = newYscale;

wow nicely done dude

thnx oddin…

now i turned them into prototypes for easy reuse…

[AS]MovieClip.prototype.verticleRotate = function(spd) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
this.scale += spd;
this.newYscale = Math.sin(this.scale)*100;
this._yscale = this.newYscale;
MovieClip.prototype.horizontalRotate = function(spd) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
this.scale += spd;
this.newXscale = Math.sin(this.scale)*100;
this._xscale = this.newXscale;

so bored

check out the fla…


replace existing code with that?


well, first chose whether you want it to rotate horizontally of vertically. then copy and paste the prototype of your choice(erase previous code), and then call the prototype to your movie clip
[AS]MovieClip.prototype.verticleRotate = function(spd) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
this.scale += spd;
this.newYscale = Math.sin(this.scale)*100;
this._yscale = this.newYscale;

myMC.verticalRotate(0.07)//the number in the brackets controls the rotate speed[/AS]

good luck :slight_smile: