Flood Magazine

here is something i made today, just messing around at first, then i got serious about making it look good.

vintage magazine called “flood” sitting on a desk.


[LEFT]the base image can be found here:

larger version here:

Whoa there! Awesome design bro, is the buttcheek allowed?

(I dont mind lol!)



tho critique from any straight male is essentially worthless :wink:

Uhm… designer’s license! :beam:

Sweet! reminds me of those pulp magazines:)
very vintage look, I like it:thumb:

like the damage/worn effect on the magazine, table looks ok, girl looks hot but she doesn’t look worn or damaged like the rest of the magazine…if the magazine is supposed to be a vintage pulp magazine say from the 50’s her pic looks like it was taken last week, not sure what you can do to recitify that and to be honest I’m probably being really picky

I like it, looks good :cool:

cool as hell

^^^^^ I Agree

as Homer would say "gimme some of her sweet sweet kandy… argrrrrrr :drool: :drool: :drool: "

anyway how did you do those worn edges

I dont like the background. The colors are competing with the magazine so it’s not popping the way it should.
Also agree with above, girl looks out of place and not worn enough like the rest of the magazine.
I think with a little more work at the piece you can get to where you want to be with it because it’s ALMOST there but not quite yet!

It looks nice but you should make her look old style like the mag.

I like it a lot. :hoser:

:crazy: good one!

I agree. but the others, marvellous! :smiley: and ya, how did u do the torn edge thing?

Really cool design, i really like your style, congratulations!!

Excellent loving the aged look you pulled it off nicely. You should post it in the magazine contest.

Le raowr!
Awesome design too (:

lovin it