Ok, I am really struggling. I purchased a video player from flashden, as I am still rather new to actionscripting. I managed to do many large mods to the file to suit my needs but I am struggling with one.
I want to add short commercials before a video.
That would be the content path of adURL in the XML. The normal video content path is videoURL.
<video videoURL="Welcome.flv" imageURL="image1.jpg" thumbImage="1.jpg" title="blah" description="Welcome" longdesc="blah blah InVideoURL="test.jpg" adURL="adtest.flv" />
<video videoURL="test.flv" imageURL="image1.jpg" thumbImage="1.jpg" title="blah" description="Welcome" longdesc="blah blah" InVideoURL="" adURL="" />
Here is the important code of the player (I removed all the items that do not relate to my issue to make it easier):
//Set stage settings
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.displayState = "normal";
Stage.align = "TL";
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (showPlaylist && Stage.displayState == "normal") {
playlist._visible = true;
} else {
playlist._visible = false;
if (vp.playing) {
isPlaying = true;
} else {
isPlaying = false;
if (isPlaying) {
//tween out the image
image.alphaTo = 0;
if (!isPlaying && vp.playheadTime == 0) {
//tween in the image
image.alphaTo = 100;
image._alpha += (image.alphaTo-image._alpha)/6;
controlbar.trackbar.track_progress._width = vp.playheadPercentage/100*trackWidth;
controlbar.trackbar.track_buffer._width = vp.bytesLoaded/vp.bytesTotal*trackWidth;
if (vp.bytesLoaded == vp.bytesTotal) {
controlbar.trackbar.bufferbars._visible = false;
} else {
controlbar.trackbar.bufferbars._visible = true;
if (scrubbing) {
controlbar.trackbar.track_progress._width = controlbar.trackbar.track_slider._x;
} else {
controlbar.trackbar.track_slider._x = controlbar.trackbar.track_progress._width;
if (volumedragging) {
vp.volume = (controlbar.volumecontrol.volumeslider._x-controlbar.volumecontrol.volumemask._x)/controlbar.volumecontrol.volumemask._width*100;
if (controlbar.mutebutton.DoMuteButton._visible) {
controlbar.volumecontrol.volumefill._width = vp.volume/100*controlbar.volumecontrol.volumemask._width;
} else {
controlbar.volumecontrol.volumefill._width = oldVolume/100*controlbar.volumecontrol.volumemask._width;
minutesPlayed = String(Math.floor(vp.playheadTime/60));
secondsPlayed = String(Math.round(vp.playheadTime%60));
minutesTotal = String(Math.floor(vp.totalTime/60));
secondsTotal = String(Math.round(vp.totalTime%60));
//add a zero
minutesPlayed = addZero(minutesPlayed);
secondsPlayed = addZero(secondsPlayed);
minutesTotal = addZero(minutesTotal);
secondsTotal = addZero(secondsTotal);
//output text
controlbar.trackbar.track_time.track_time.text = minutesPlayed+":"+secondsPlayed+" / "+minutesTotal+":"+secondsTotal;
if (Stage.displayState == "normal" && vp._width != playerWidth) {
vp._x = (playerWidth-vp._width)/2;
vp._y = (playerHeight-vp._height)/2;
//scroll playlist
if(playlist._xmouse > 0 && playlist._xmouse < playlistWidth && playlist._ymouse > 0 && playlist._ymouse < playlistHeight){
if (playlistHeight != undefined) {
thumbrowYgoto -= (playlist._ymouse-(playlistHeight/2))/playlistHeight*0.5*100;
if(thumbrowYgoto >0){
thumbrowYgoto = 0;
if(thumbrowYgoto < - (playlist.list._height - playlistHeight)-10){
thumbrowYgoto = - (playlist.list._height - playlistHeight)-10;
playlist.list._y += (thumbrowYgoto - playlist.list._y) * 0.2;
if(Stage.displayState == "fullScreen"){
controlbar.OriginalSizeButton.enabled = false;
controlbar.OriginalSizeButton.visible = false;
if (Stage.displayState == "normal") {
vp._width = playerWidth;
vp._height = playerHeight;
vp._x = 0;
vp._y = 0;
} else {
//set player size
vp._width = Stage.width;
vp._height = Stage.height-controlbar.control_bg._height;
vp._x = -_x;
vp._y = -_y;
function addZero(num) {
//adds a zero to single digit number
if (length(num)<2) {
num = "0"+num;
return num;
function loadVideo(num) {
currentVideo = num;
_parent.extra_info.track_title.text = allVideos[num]["title"];
_parent.extra_info.description_text.text = allVideos[num]["description"];
_parent.extra_info.long_desc.text = allVideos[num]["longdesc"];
vp.contentPath = allVideos[num]["videoURL"];
vp.complete = function() {
if (autoPlay == true) {
currentVideo += 1;
if (currentVideo>=allVideos.length) {
currentVideo = 0;
} else {
image.bigButton.onPress = function() {
controlbar.PreviousButton.onPress = function() {
currentVideo -= 1;
if (currentVideo<0) {
currentVideo = allVideos.length-1;
controlbar.NextButton.onPress = function() {
currentVideo += 1;
if (currentVideo>=allVideos.length) {
currentVideo = 0;
I thought I could just change the content path in the loadVideo function to the adURL and then in the vp.complete function redirect the video to play again but change the content path to the actual video content path (videoURL). I’m either wrong or executed it wrong when I tried it.
If anybody has any ideas, could you share? I just can’t get this to work. ahh! :be: