FLV won't run online

I have a website up at http://homepage.oniduo.pt/pedrommramos/ . Now, the problem is that I have a main swf file where other swf files are loaded. Some of these other swf have flv files loaded into them. So far so good, the problem is that the flv won’t run online. The paths are relative and correct, or at least I think so, since I burned the content of the site onto a cd and tried it in diferent computers with no problem.
My question is, can I have an flv loaded by an swf when this same swf is being load onto a main swf? I know it works on a cd, but does it work online, and if so, what might I be doing wrong?

PS. When I try to run the main file through my home network instead of the computer it is on it acts just like the version online, it doesn’t load the flv.

I can give you the layout of my folder and how the paths are set:

[Folder Film]
[Folder Trailer]

For the Film01.flv to run on Film.swf while loaded by mian.swf I had to set a relative path like this: Film\Trailer\Film01.swf instead of Trailer\Film01.flv

This got it running locally and on a CD, but not over my network or online.

Anyone got a clue to what I might be doing wrong?:h: