SWF won't play FLV when inside a movieclip?

I overcame some problems I was having with getting FLV files to work with relative paths. Finaly I figured that they only work with relative paths if they are either at the same location or below the location of the SWF file that accesses them, won’t work if it’s above the location of the SWF. That issue solved, now another one shows up! I have a MAIN SWF with a movieclip where the SWFs that access the FLV files are loaded into. But for some reason when I run the MAIN SWF, the FLVs accessed by the SWFs that are loaded into the MAIN SWF, won’t run. If, on the other hand, I run the SWFs, that are supposed to be loaded in the MAIN SWF movieclip, directly, they work fine!
The question is…
How do I get the FLV files to play on the MAIN SWF when it loads the other SWFs?

Can anyone help me figure this out?
Thanks for reading, and thank you in advanced for any reply!

Actually, I just found out just by accessing the folder, which contains all files, from another computer on my home network and directly running the FWS files that contain the FLV, the FLV won’t run… and yet the path is set as relative! Can anyone help me make any sense of this?

I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY need help with this issue so if you can help me, please, give me some hints on how to solve this. You can access the site I’m trying to build and see what I’m talking about. http://homepage.oniduo.pt/pedrommramos

Now, once you are there you can go to the films area them selected, for example, fiction and then select “Poker”(it’s actually the only possible choise, and you see that the flv file that should appear in the next page simply doesn’t run…