FMX - Change Skin Combo Box

think this is a newbie, easy question ?!

I try to change the skin (background colour, text colour) of my combo box.

Can somebody help me?
Could not find something in the tut section.

Thanks a lot.
Greets :blush:

finally i found the answer by myself.
i do not delete this thread, because perhaps it could be helpful to somebody.

simple add a new layer with e.g following actionscript:

mylist.setStyleProperty(“arrow”, 0xcc3333);
mylist.setStyleProperty(“background”, 0xc5c5ad);
mylist.setStyleProperty(“backgroundDisabled”, 0xc5c5ad);
mylist.setStyleProperty(“scrollTrack”, 0xc5c5ad);
mylist.setStyleProperty(“textColor”, 0xFFFFFF);
mylist.setStyleProperty(“textSelected”, 0xFF0000);
mylist.setStyleProperty(“selection”, 0x000000);
mylist.setStyleProperty(“highlight3D”, 0xc5c5ad);
mylist.setStyleProperty(“highlight”, 0xc5c5ad);
mylist.setStyleProperty(“face”, 0xc5c5ad);
mylist.setStyleProperty(“darkshadow”, 0xc5c5ad);
mylist.setStyleProperty(“shadow”, 0xc5c5ad);
mylist.setStyleProperty(“foregroundDisabled”, 0xc5c5ad);
mylist.setStyleProperty(“textSize”, 10);