I hope someone knows a solution for my problem :sigh:
I have a Flash Scene with a black background.
Into that scene, I inserted a standard “Combobox” from
the Flash component menu.
As I want to have a black background in the Combobox, too
and also white text instead of black text, I wrote an action-
script to customize my combobox (I gave it the instance name “splashesscroll”).
splashesscroll.setStyleProperty(“arrow”, 0xFFFFFF);
splashesscroll.setStyleProperty(“background”, 0x000000);
splashesscroll.setStyleProperty(“backgroundDisabled”, 0x000000);
splashesscroll.setStyleProperty(“scrollTrack”, 0x000000);
splashesscroll.setStyleProperty(“textColor”, 0xFFFFFF);
splashesscroll.setStyleProperty(“textSelected”, 0xFF0000);
splashesscroll.setStyleProperty(“selection”, 0x000000);
splashesscroll.setStyleProperty(“highlight3D”, 0x000000);
splashesscroll.setStyleProperty(“highlight”, 0x000000);
splashesscroll.setStyleProperty(“face”, 0x000000);
splashesscroll.setStyleProperty(“darkshadow”, 0x000000);
splashesscroll.setStyleProperty(“shadow”, 0x000000);
splashesscroll.setStyleProperty(“foregroundDisabled”, 0x000000);
splashesscroll.setStyleProperty(“textSize”, 10);
That far, all looks right. The only problem is that there is
still a small white border around my combobox which I just can’t
get rid of!!
Does anyone know what I have to add to my actionscript to
have that border changed to black?
I already consulted the flash help and also other flash sites,
but upto now, I couldn’t find any solution.
Thank you very much in advance
and may all of you have a wonderful start in 2003!!
Cheers from Munich