I found this site and I like the transitions between the photo’s. Can someone please explain me how to make such an effect! Is it done with masks? or…?
well, you could do it with actionscripting, but I personally would just do it with masking. He just made the pretty square shapes go from nothing to something…it’s not hard, just a little long…but I think actionscripters would consider that way the “long hard way” as for actionscripting, I wouldn’t know the coding for it.
Thanks for the reaction scarce But I think I would prefer to set it up with AS
You can do it with AS and a dynamic mask or use the fading grid tutorial by Voets and modify that a little;)
I had a look ad the fading grid from Voets and that is indeed a possibilty to do it. Do you also know a tut with AS and dynamic mask as you sugested:)
The most important thing I would like to find out is how the did it that the current picture stay while the new one is comming in and not just replacing?
You could do that using levels … having the next loaded movie always load in a level that is higher than the current movie.
Hey dboers,
Scotty help me out with something like this I can send you .zip. All you have to is change the mask of what you want.