LoadMovie Image Transition?

Does anyone know how this is made ?

“LoadMovie Image Transition Effect”


Dynamic masking and grid-arranged movieclips. Read up on both and you should be good to go. (there’s even a Kirupa.com tut on fading grids)

thks dude

Do you have any suggestions, cause I havent found anything on this animated LoadMovie Image Transition effect in a few days of researching.

What you suggested was good “Dynamic Masking” and “Fading grid” but i havent found a tut that’ll show us how to have a mask being duplicated all in actionscript. I am strating to think its not possible, however, its obviously being done (http://www.cubepix.com/item.php?flash_type_code=LMI&flash_code=LMI001) bugger, these guys offer to sell ya a component to acheive the effect.

Following your 2 suggestions i found some interesting tutorials, but i have yet found something that will show you how to AS multiple dynamic masks…

if you know any sites, or specific tuts (beside the fading grid) please let me know, so i can go to sleep.


Create a movieclip that starts small (1x1) and grows/morphs into a shape (any size).

Then, create a container movieclip that is going to be your mask.

Within your container MC, create a grid of your original shape movieclip.

Set the container as a mask (containerMC.setMask).


Just make the container MC a mask for your loaded image/movie and you should be all set.

One tip: make the movie invisible (visible = false) until it’s loaded (onLoad, or check the bytes/frames loaded) and THEN have it transition in.

But again, you’re going to need to read-up on dynamic masking (setMask) and grids.