Hello. I’ve been having a small problem loading movieClips into a placeholder. Right now I’m dynamicly creating a thumbnail gallery of images, and I want theese thumbnails to be displayed in full size in a placeholder. I just can’t figure out how to put the selected movieClip into the placeholder.
Here’s the code used for generating the thumbnails:
myData = new LoadVars();
// myData.load("getpictues.php")
myData.ref = this;
myData.onLoad = function(succes){
if (succes) {
for (var i = 0; i<Number(this.cant); i++) {
this.ref["imgMC"]["holdermain_mc"].duplicateMovieClip("clip_"+i, i);
this.ref["imgMC"]["clip_"+i].createEmptyMovieClip("holder_"+i, i);
this.ref["imgMC"]["clip_"+i]._yscale = T_height + resizeNum;
this.ref["imgMC"]["clip_"+i]._xscale = T_width + resizeNum;
this.ref["imgMC"]["clip_"+i]["holder_"+i]._yscale = T_height - resizeNum;
this.ref["imgMC"]["clip_"+i]["holder_"+i]._xscale = T_width - resizeNum;
if (i != 0) {
this.ref["clip_"+i]._y = this.ref["clip_"+(i-1)]._y+this.ref["clip_"+(i-1)]._height+offset;
this.ref["imgMC"]["clip_"+i].onRelease = function() {
// Put the image in the placeholder called: "_root.bigHolder_mc1"
I really hope you can help. Thank you in advance.
Kevin Andersson