FMX - MC postitioning problems

Hello people. I am making a small gallery of thumbnails, and am having a little problem here. I can position the first 12 thumbnails without problem, but the next thumbnails are just positioned in one spot (same spot as the main clip i duplicate). Here’s the code i use right now (picline is defining which line it should be put on 3 lines of 4 pictures):

for (var picLine = 0; picLine<3; picLine++) {

             // How many pages do we need to show?
             for (var totalPages = 0; totalPages&lt;Number(this.pictureCount/maxThumb); totalPages++){
                     totalPagesMore = (totalPages+1);
                     trace("total pages More:"+totalPagesMore);
             // How many pages do we need to show?
                 if (picLine==0 && i&gt;=(1*totalPages-1) && i&lt;=(3*totalPagesMore)){
                     _root["pictureModule"]["imgMC"]["clip_"+i*totalPagesMore]._x = (35*i*totalPagesMore);        // position the movieclip
                     _root["pictureModule"]["imgMC"]["clip_"+i*totalPagesMore]._y = 0;                // position the movieclip
                 if (picLine==1 && i&gt;=(4*totalPagesMore) && i&lt;=(7*totalPagesMore)){
                     _root["pictureModule"]["imgMC"]["clip_"+i*totalPagesMore]._x = (35*i*totalPagesMore-(140));    // position the movieclip second row
                     _root["pictureModule"]["imgMC"]["clip_"+i*totalPagesMore]._y = (T_height)/2+(spacer/2);                    // position the movieclip second row
                 if (picLine==2 && i&gt;=(8*totalPagesMore) && i&lt;=(12)*totalPagesMore){
                     _root["pictureModule"]["imgMC"]["clip_"+i*totalPagesMore]._x = (35*i*totalPagesMore-(140*2));    // position the movieclip second row
                     _root["pictureModule"]["imgMC"]["clip_"+i*totalPagesMore]._y = ((T_height)+spacer);                    // position the movieclip second row
                 // Add the buttons here (show if the totalpage number is &gt; than 0)

You can se an online version here: