[fmx] paing xml with html tags


I am wondering if any of you have encountered this issue before. I still haven’t figured this out. :scream:

I have an xml that looks something like this:


The CDATA avoids flash from breaking that node in two because of the html tag.

When I pass that node text into a dynamic text field in flash (set to render as html) the text is not displayed properly: you literally see [COLOR=DarkOrange]<b>patrick</b>jones[/COLOR]

if I trace the variable that contains that text to be passed to the text field, it actually displays: [COLOR=DarkOrange]<b>patrick</b>jones [/COLOR]
It might have something to do with it. The < > signs are written as ampersand plus lt or gt.

HELP anyone!
Thanks :tb:

try using unescape()
for example, if the contents is stored in the variable yourString, do like this:

myTextField.htmlText = unescape(myString);