[FMX] - Resize load movie?


How do you resize a swf that is loaded into another movie.

I use:

_root.createEmptyMovieClip(“placeholder”, 1);
loadMovie(“movie.swf”, “placeholder”);
placeholder._x = 10;
placeholder._y = 50;

What and how do I add the size that the loaded movie should resize to? In this case 200 x 100 pixels

An answer with sample code added to this code would be great!



You have to wait until the movie is fully loaded and then resize the movie just like any clip (because it IS a clip). Search the forum a bit, you should find your answer.

pom :slight_smile:

heres a quick example:

_root.createEmptyMovieClip("placeholder", 1);
loadMovie("loadme.swf", "placeholder");
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("placeholder_onLoad", 2).onEnterFrame = function(){
	if (placeholder.getBytesTotal() && placeholder.getBytesTotal() == placeholder.getBytesLoaded()){
		placeholder._x = 10;
		placeholder._y = 50;

:-\ I can see this coe checks that the clip is loaded, but how do I set the size after that?

