[FMX] Script

Hey, im lookin to make this so that the points taken from the _root.cargo are multipled by 10 and added to _root.totalscore

any ideas??

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
	if (_root.ship.hitTest(_root.pickup)) {
		_root.cargo = parseInt(_root.cargo)+1;
      _trace (_root.score);
		if (_root.cargo>=2) {
			_root.cargo = 2;
		_root.cargo += 0;
	} else if (_root.ship.hitTest(_root.home)) {
		_root.cargo = parseInt(_root.cargo)-1;
      _trace (_root.score);
		if (_root.cargo<=0) {
			_root.cargo = 0;

// code edited – pom


Something like this???

_root.totalscore = _root.cargo + 10;


plz check my post ‘’‘[FMX] Damn if else scripts.’‘’ for i am lost and confused.

Now i feel the endless pain.