Hi there,
me again with another startDrag-problem, hope smb can help me out with the fla on the following url…:
In this file mc’s can be dragged to a certain location. the mc’s snap to the location when they are near enough. but when one mc is on the right position, you need to be able to put another mc on the same place, while the one who was there in the first place, jumps back to its original position… what i want to say is: you should be able to change the mc’s by putting them on to each other, while the underlaying is jumping back to its original position…
i think there’s a problem/conflict with the ‘hit’-zone of the buttons which are made in the mc’s, so i tried to solve the problem by only working with mc’s and onClipEvent’s, but nothing wanted to work the way it should…
any help would be great, so i already want to say ‘thanx to you all!!’