[FMX] Tell Target?

I am using tell target with a button to display information when you rollover as follows

on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("/info") {
gotoAndPlay (“FirstIn”);
on (rollOut) {
tellTarget ("/info") {
gotoAndPlay (“FirstOut”);

This works fine when I test the movie, but when I load this movie into another movie, it does not work. Am I doing something wrong?

first off, tellTarget, though still operational, is not supported in Flash MX. the with command or direct referencing with dot-syntax is suggested as a replacement.

secondly, if you are loading your movie inside of another movieclip then /info is not the same as /info if that movie is playing alone. In slash-syntax (again, like telltarget is not suggested in MX) /info means the clip info on the _root level. If you load the swf in a movieclip, the _root level is not the same as that clips original _root level because its old _root is now that movieclip. Trying to access _root then leads you to the main movie’s _root (the movie you loaded that swf into)

So you have to either a) load the movie in a level and not a movieclip or b) use relative referencing to target the movieclip using _parent._parent or whatever path it is you need to take.

Hrm…gotcha. So how would I accomplish what I’m trying to accomplish using with? or dot-syntax? I was using tell target because i can animate the info coming in/out.