ok whats the deal with mx and Telltargets. i cant seem to make it work. it doesnt read the Telltarget. can anyone help…i dont know if im the only one with this problem. im not new to this program i just dont know whats up with FlashMx and Telltargets. did they change something in that erea?..can any one help? please email me if you have to.:crazy:
it still works. Its depricated, but it works. Chances are you are just mistargeting somewhere.
however, its also a good idea to learn to live without it. I havent used it since flash 4 and I dont plan to.
Instead of using the tellTarget command, you can use a more simple line of dot notation.
So instead of saying
on press{
You can just say
on press{
Or something similar. If you use Normal mode in ActionScript, you’ll be able to use a little icon that looks like a target - click on this and you’ll see a tree structure of all your available movies you can target. Select the one you want, and the program will write the correct path for you.
thanx for your help it will come in handy. i really thank you i was stuck on it for a little sometime there. thanx you got me out of a jam.