Alright, I’m attempting to do the tutorial located here . The tutorial is kind of confusing and isn’t working for me. It seems to be for Flash 5 but I guess you can do it with MX as well…
I think the easiest thing to do would be for someone to have a look at what I’m doing rather than trying to explain it.
If anyone can be bothered or has the time, let me know.
Thats a cool upload/download php feature Jubba! Man… I should get me one of those… save me from opening my ftp program everytime I want to upload 1 image or something.
thanks for that offer to upload jubba and i’ll let you know about the tutorial but not now, i’ve had a pretty big day with atleast 6 hours of travelling and with the start of uni i probably won’t get around to having a decent look at the tutorial until maybe the end of the week so i’ll prob just post a new thread and hopefully you’ll see it