[FMX] where can i get worldmaps for flash?

Can anyone provide me with some links where i can get royalty free worldmaps in any flash importable format(freehand is what i use now)?

any help will be greatly helpful…


To be honest, what I normally do is find a clip art one or something, then trace it. That way, I drew it so there’s no real problems…

Hi Angel…
Thank u…
Infact i finally resorted to it, since i could hardly find any royalty free illustrated maps.
Anyway i found some site where there aplenty of maps…
shud be useful for others looking for them…

  1. http://www.avenza.com/winrelease.html
  2. http://www.theodora.com/maps/
  3. http://www.applemaps.co.uk/f4c/
