[FMX04] OnRollover Movieclip event not working, help!

Hi, this has been bugging me for ages now, anyone have any ideas on why this will not allow button to be seen, on MouseOver it simply ignores the Actionscript.

loadThumbnails = function() {
    /* Select project nodes from each section in main * loop */
    allProjectData = myXML.childNodes*.childNodes;
    /* Using project names from main loop, pick all respective images */
    for (p=0; p < allProjectData.length; p++) {
        newProject = sectorSection.projectHolder.attachMovie('projectTemplate', 'project'+p, p);
        newProject.imageName = allProjectData[p].firstChild.attributes.image;
**        newProject.onRollOver = function () {
            this._alpha = 50;

        /* Set spacing for thumbail images dependant on how many projects have been generated */
        if (p < numofcol) {
            newProject._x = (newProject._width + projectOffset) * p;            
        else if (p < (numofcol*2)) {
            newProject._x = ((newProject._width + projectOffset) * p) - ((newProject._width + projectOffset) * numofcol);
            newProject._y = newProject._height + projectOffset;
        else if (p < (numofcol*3)) {
            newProject._x = ((newProject._width + projectOffset) * p) - (((newProject._width + projectOffset) * numofcol) * 2);
            newProject._y = (newProject._height + projectOffset) * 2;
    } /* End of for statement */
} /* End of loadImages() function */