Hello! everyone… <:}
I’ve got a problem with an Flash animation…
I’ve got the main timeline with an animation in the background… above that i’ve got a movieClip… with an on(rollOver) and on(rollOut) actions…
this movieClip opens a little menu with three pictures (movieClips) on it…
My problem would be… hmmm… that… I would like if I go with the mouse cursor over one of the three movieClips… that one to fade or something like this…
i tried to do it with on(rollOver) {mc1._alfa=50} (for example),… but it ain’t work…
please help me with this problem…
ok kax thank you…
you’re right… i’ve misspelled the script… sorry… but not that one is the problem…
the problem is that Flash even didn’t realise that I’ve got my mouse over that clip…
here… an example… from one of the Opel’s sites…
the movieClip I am talkin about… is the one with the little arrows… when u… go over it… the menu appears… but do nothing… the first picture(movieClip) is opel3…
the actionscript for it is…
on (rollOver)
opel3**._alpha**= 50;